College ID : SPPU / NS / BCA / 94 / 2006
Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University

 From Academic Year 2024-25 Entrance Test is compulsory for admissions to First Year BBA and BBA(CA). For more details visit news section.

Research Policy

Aims of the Research Policy

The research policy of the college aims to create and support a research culture among its teachers, staff and students for enriching and enhancing the professional competence of the faculty members; for developing and promoting scientific temper and research aptitudes of all learners.

Scope of the Research Policy

This policy shall apply to all the researchers of the college and for the purpose of this policy researchers are defined to include

  1. All staff, who are active in teaching, research, administration and provision of any form of support to the core functions of the college;
  2. All students registered with the college;
  3. All mentors, guides, external experts and sponsors associated with any of the research activities of the college

This policy shall apply to all the research and related activities of the college and for the purpose of this policy research and related activities will include

  1. Research activities including basic, strategic and applied research undertaken either for fulfilling the requirements of academic degrees or for solving problems
  2. Knowledge compilation and communication initiatives for keeping abreast of academic developments in any knowledge domain such as writing of textbooks, chapters of textbooks, monographs; developing/updating curriculum, etc.
  3. Creative activities involving the generation of new ideas, innovations, hypotheses, images, performances including design in any field of knowledge which leads to the development of new knowledge, understanding or expertise;
  4. Research projects of students undertaken as part of the curriculum or for enriching it
  5. Publication, presentation and communication of the research outcomes and related activities

Objectives of the Research Policy

  • To guide faculty members in the effective integration research projects with the regular curriculum implementation and curriculum enrichment activities
  • To identify and inform researchers about the appropriate research opportunities announced by different academic, research, industry or government organisations
  • To promote interdisciplinary research and establish modalities for preparing and undertaking joint research projects covering more than one knowledge domain as well as policies for involving external agencies/experts in such projects
  • To define an enabling framework for researchers to obtain sponsorships for research projects and which makes the participating researchers responsible for the successful implementation of the project
  • To encourage and facilitate the publication of the research work/projects in reputed academic journals
  • To encourage and facilitate the presentation/communication of the research work/projects as well as their findings and recommendations through academic events such as workshops/seminars/guest lectures or the media
  • To draw up and adopt a research code, which informs all researchers about the ethical and legal norms and principles to be followed in the conduct of research
  • To prepare and implement a research quality assurance mechanism for ensuring that all research activities of the college conform to standard quality specifications
  • To develop, prescribe and administer rules and procedures to ensure the compliance of all researchers to the research quality assurance framework, the research code and all the applicable rules and regulations.

Research Ethics

  • Not to plagiarize; that is, to present portions of another’s report or data as our own, even if the other work or data source is cited occasionally.
  • Cite clearly all sources of information and data that we use which are not the results of our own research

Research Committee

Teacher  Designation
Dr R D Patil Chairman
Smt P V Pingle Coordinator
Smt Dr. R P Kotwal Member
Dr. A  A More Member
Shri. S. P. Chitte Member
Smt S V Tapkire Member

Research Policy Implementation Mechanism

The Research Cell of the college shall be responsible for implementing this research policy of the college by working closely with the college management. The specific roles and functions of the research cell will be as follows

  1. Facilitate the faculty in undertaking research and will work with the college management to set up a research fund for providing seed money
  2. Provide research facilities in terms of laboratory equipment, research journals and research incentives etc. required by the faculty.
  3. Encourage and promote a research culture (eg. teaching work load remission, opportunities for attending conferences etc.).
  4. Organise workshops/ training programmes/ sensitisation programmes are conducted by the institution to promote a research culture on campus.
  5. Create incentives for the faculty who receive state, national and international recognition for research contributions as well as research awards and recognition from reputed professional bodies and agencies.
  6. Encourage and promote the publication of research articles by the faculty in reputed/ refereed journals.


Research Details of faculty

Details of PhD Awarded Teachers
Sr. No. Name of the PhD scholar Name of the Department Name of the guide/s Title of the thesis Year of registration of the scholar Year of award of PhD Link of Thesis on college website


Enrolled Faculties for Ph. D.


Sr. No.

Name of Enrolled Faculties


Ph. D. Topic

Name of Guide

Date of Registration

Registered University

1 Wavikar Priya R. Commerce “A Study of Human Resource Management in Institutions of Higher Education in North Maharashtra.” Dr.S.K.Wadekar 22/08/13 Savitribai Phule Pune University
2 Mr. Bankar Prashant Madhukar Arts & Fine Arts “The Echoes of Existentialism and Brecht’s Epic Theatre in the selected Plays of  Girish Karnad: A Study.” Dr.Chetan M.Deshmane 04/01/16 Savitribai Phule Pune University
3 Mrs V V Patil Management A Study on Cost and Performance of selected construction organization in Nashik City by using HRA techniques(2007-2017) Dr R D Darekar 10/3/2017 Savitribai Phule Pune University
4 Mr A B Bodake Commerce A Study of Administrative policies of Agro Tourism Centre in North Maharashtra Dr R R Shinde 18/8/2018 Savitribai Phule Pune University